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July, 2018 - back at Blip after a loooong break :-)
October, 2015 - still blipping, albeit very sporadically. My nice, shiny and new camera got pinched after a few months and that took the wind out my sails a bit. I saved up another camera, but I no longer carry it every day and rely on my camera p Read more...
July, 2018 - back at Blip after a loooong break :-)
October, 2015 - still blipping, albeit very sporadically. My nice, shiny and new camera got pinched after a few months and that took the wind out my sails a bit. I saved up another camera, but I no longer carry it every day and rely on my camera phone. As I say, still blipping!
January, 2013 - despite some erratic blipping, I've bought myself a new camera - a bridge one with lots of options and buttons. So 2013 will be a learning year!
March, 2012 - succumbed quickly to pester power of Blipfoto messages to upgrdade to a full account. I feel another dose of learning new stuff coming on...
Thought I might update this, as it has been over three months since I was well and truly bitten by the blip bug.
I'm still commuting to Glasgow (hiss, boo), employed (phew) at The Big College and enjoying weekend life by the seaside with Shorty.
But now I'm hooked on blipping, and I've got to know more about my camera and digital photography than I would have credited. Said wee camera is feel the strain, however, and I damaged the battery compartment last week and now rely on the magical powers of sellotape to stop the ever readies from making a bid for freedom. Pushes me a bit closer to getting a bridge camera, next year, maybe....?
Shorty is now quite accustomed to mother bear stopping at inopportune moments to pull out the Nikon, and was all for blipping herself. She only has 5 years to wait until she's old enough...
I think what I've got most out of the last while has been a renewed awareness of what's round about me - the weird, the wonderful, the everyday. And that's surely a good thing. Plus there's all the fab people on blip, too. Happy happy.
Sep 15th, 2012 Traffic light tomatoes
Sep 14th, 2012 Changed priorities
Sep 13th, 2012 A nod to the Guardian
Sep 12th, 2012 Post-swimming munchies
Sep 11th, 2012 Dealing with clutter
Sep 10th, 2012 One out of two cats aint bad
Sep 9th, 2012 Mint tea in nice cup
Sep 8th, 2012 Happiness is...
Sep 7th, 2012 Late summer sweetpeas