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2024 it’s getting boring…another broken hip with complication of a torn thigh muscle….thankful for support and help of friends and family….
2023….After another fall that ended up in a&e and a subdural bleed, i have been promoted to a walker as companion… Read more...
2024 it’s getting boring…another broken hip with complication of a torn thigh muscle….thankful for support and help of friends and family….
2023….After another fall that ended up in a&e and a subdural bleed, i have been promoted to a walker as companion….my world is getting a bit smaller, but don’t forget the song….the Rhythm of Life……love it!
Since feb 2017 i am going solo, because my wonderful husband died.....for a while i stopped blipping..because i needed to have space to learn to live again.....
New Year’s day 2018 seems a good day to pick up blipping again....for a while without commenting and comments....
I love living near the Welsh border.
I love God, his Word and his ways,
I love my grandkids, my family and all things Apple, my kindle and photography.
In 2014 I was diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma and spent 4 months in hospital without wifi, and several months day chemo girl....:) ....chemo kills the bad guys...and good ones...and it has left me with a few ‘blips’.....but healthy...
My email is: leny.cato@me.com
I can also be found on Facebook and Instagram