- from United Kingdom
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I am a biologist & naturalist, musician & member of the audience, photographer, infusion-enthusiast, Japanophile, family member, & a(n only very slightly) solitary social butterfly (I'm told)... I love it when form aesthetically follows function: I'm mad about fine stationery, Read more...
I am a biologist & naturalist, musician & member of the audience, photographer, infusion-enthusiast, Japanophile, family member, & a(n only very slightly) solitary social butterfly (I'm told)... I love it when form aesthetically follows function: I'm mad about fine stationery, and musical instruments, and interesting architecture. I'm intrigued by words and the English language; I enjoy crosswords (concise and cryptic) and typically tend towards sarcasm.
I love photography because it is a pursuit I can take anywhere: if ever I'm at a loose end, I could be taking photographs... I love the challenge of finding a shot where, at first glance, the world seems uninteresting or unattractive.
May 5th, 2012 Peter Jones stairwell
May 4th, 2012 NHM Cafe
May 3rd, 2012 Guinea fowl feathers
May 2nd, 2012 Coot & Cootling
May 1st, 2012 South Kensington pedestrian tunnel
Apr 30th, 2012 Yeah, that won't fly...
Apr 29th, 2012 Egyptian Geese: sad news...?
Apr 28th, 2012 Coloured thread
Apr 27th, 2012 Terracotta tiles & intricate ironwork.