- from United Kingdom
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Hello! I'm James, based in Scotland.
[Disclaimer/claim?: I am the Android developer who created the first official Blipfoto Andoid app for the old Blipfoto company. I no longer do Android dev work but I'm a shareholder in the Blipfuture CIC!]
Apr 22nd, 2014 Do not lay flat - visiting Edinburgh Hacklab
Apr 21st, 2014 Put out recycling, get slug.
Apr 18th, 2014 WE CAN OPEN THE DOOR
Apr 14th, 2014 Oh, small hill :-) from the Pentlands
Apr 12th, 2014 They've lost 5000 coaches somewhere
Mar 31st, 2014 Fog
Mar 27th, 2014 Bus home
Mar 25th, 2014 The only train along water of Leith now
Mar 23rd, 2014