Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


Daffydowndilly..Which I think when I see daffodils, is one of those names/words that usually only stays in my head (in case it's one I made up).

I'm sure any minute now (if not already) blipworld will be overwhelmed with information about daffs. (A daff glut).

I liked this lateblip.
And the quote I found, about a character called Daffydowndilly, from Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'The Snow Image and Other Twice Told Tales':
''Diligence is not a whit more toilsome than sport or idleness''.

If I remember correctly, from a crossword puzzle (!) a diligence is also some kind of coach, perhaps pulled by horses?

But probably only on Mondays (Whit Mondays?)

It's been a very long day. But the chocolates at the garden centre are now 75% off !!!

(My trips to the garden centre have been diligent. It's not a place I regularly frequent merely to while away the time or buy chocolates!)

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