Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Tay Rail Bridge in the Evening

Another fine day, let me count. Yep that might be three in a row. Incroyable! Even Himself has been a wee bit more cheerful, what with not having to wade through mud with the pooches.

The usual Monday at work, head down and get on with it :) It was nice to sit at lunch time in our staffroom overlooking the quay and see the sun dancing on the water.

Michelle (one of my colleagues) had me in stitches over lunch. Apparently Cola, her 8 year old budgie nearly died at the weekend. My first thought was her mum's cat had gone for Cola. That was the case last week. But no, it turns out that this weekend Cola had a heart attack.

We gasped in horror!

However, Michelle is well read on the matter of elderly budgies, heart attacks and first aid and so, promptly administered a swig of whisky directly into Cola's beak. Lo and behold, Cola rallied and was soon back to himself, whistling away on his perch. She swears this is the correct treatment given the circumstances. I am relieved Michelle is no longer the office's designated First Aider :)

On the way home I went via Newport and took a few shots of the bridges and this is my blip for the day :)

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