Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Uh oh

Back to work/childminder's today.

Lovely things I haven't really updated about:

* She reaches out her hand to you so that you can take her for a walk
* She says 'uh oh' when she drops things
* She says 'uch' for 'up'
* and 'ta' for 'thank you'
* and 'ouch' for 'ouch'
* She wipes her face when she gets a wipe
* She claps when she gets a shape in the right hole
* She'll feed you, although sometimes she holds the food up and then takes it away at the last minute
* She puts her spoons in her dish when she's finished eating, or hands you what's left to take it away
* She gets soooo excited when you offer her some fruit to eat

and probably lots more that I can't think about just now.

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