Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176


We took Elizabeth's hobby horses to music class today, as there's a farm animal and horses theme to this half term's classes. As I thought, she was quite possessive of her horse, but she was happy for the others to play with my horse. However, when I noticed one little girl looking upset because she hadn't had a turn, I asked Elizabeth to let her play with her horse. She walked over to the girl, and just dropped it at her feet, then ran off to do the next thing. So both were happy. I was very proud.

At the playgroup Elizabeth was yet again playing with pretend food, making ice creams, coffee and tea, and lasagna. And she was asking if anyone wanted any of her food too.

The laptop, today's blip, has suddenly come out of hiding again. She's been playing with it a lot. She likes "t" for "turtle", and for the first time she has noticed that it says her name.

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