
By Amalarian


Yesterday, I lost confidence. Today, I lost my mind. I have become the Typhoid Molly of cameras. I wanted to do a closeup of mimosa today because it is the symbol of International Women's Day in Italy. Women's Day everywhere is on 8th March. I thought by the 8th of March our tree would be in more luxurious blossom and also that it might not be windy. On the other hand, the blossoms might all be blown off by then. I still reserve the right to do it.

Today, a misty blob appeared in all the macro shots. Change lenses. Misty blobs. Change camera. Misty blobs. Two cameras and three lenses all do misty blobs today. It could be something I've done during the night because the cameras were fine when I went to bed. Maybe I walk in my sleep. I must ask around. I did consider that it might be my own glasses but Himself sees the misty bits, too. It has been cropped out of the above pic.

I have other pressing things to do in about ten minutes so this shot will have to do. I will try to keep calm.

For the record: + 5 C. Snow flurries which never hit the ground. Beastly.

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