Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

A different route home

I never really noticed this lantern outside the Friends Meeting House in Norwich before - that's the nice thing about walking, taking your time to actually look at what's under your nose.

The reason I didn't use my bike today was that my boss drove us both to a meeting in Dereham this morning. I walked home by a different route and this photo was taken at about 5.40-ish, the sky just on the far side toward dark rather than light and very, very cold after the relative warmth of Sunday.

Last night's concert left me with such a good feeling I think maybe it was inevitable to feel a bit deflated and down today but that also could be something to do with the fact that we're having to have the plumber out to the heating at home again, and my general sense of anxiety about the future. I must get a grip and not let it consume me.

Sneezy and snuffly all day so early to bed methinks.

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