My final Blip.

Well for the foreseeable future,
Not sure when we will be back,
But am happy to say we made it to 400!
I will still stalk your journals,
I will still lurk in the background,
You are not quite fully rid of us,
thank you to everyone for the kind comments,
the compliments on my squishafible (that is a word damnit!) girlie,
she is not feeling to well today,
so I am off to give her big snuggles,
Sorry for the boring uninspired blip,
but really not feeling into it today.

I can be added on facebook or deviant art
(message me first on fb please and I'll add you just so I know your a blipper and not some random!!! xxxx)

Edit to add, lack of blip is due to having to sell my camera, so there will be a serious lack of fernie pics full stop x

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