All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

I brush WHERE exactly??

So far, since I went back to work, our morning routines with Ethan have worked out quite well. He sits and plays on the bed quite happily while we get ready and hubbie then washes and dresses Ethan. This morning, Ethan kept trying to brush his own hair while I was straightening mine. Very cute!

We had more tears from Ethan at nursery drop off time so I got the usual lump in my throat. Hubbie said he'd pick him up in the evening though and apparently Ethan also burst into tears when he saw him. So I'm glad it's not just me he's doing it with! However, he ate all his meals today and had 2 naps again, so that's another step in the right direction.

Am looking forward to tomorrow though. It's my day off so I get to spend quality time with Ethan. And my sister gets induced tomorrow! I'm going to be on tenterhooks waiting for news!

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