All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

And today's news is ...

... I'm now Auntie Lallybroch! I can't say any more as it's up to my sister to post all the details when she gets out of hospital, but suffice to say I'm very excited and proud of her! The girl done good!

Ethan and I picked up Grandpa from the bus station this morning. Grandpa then treated me to a hot chocolate at Thorntons and Ethan chose that moment to fall asleep for a while! It was his only sleep of the day though and he was rather grumpy later in the day as he was so knackered.

After lunch we went to the library where Ethan had great fun looking through some books in the childrens section. He does look quite serious in this picture but hey, it's a serious business choosing the right book!

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