On the flip side

Here (as promised) is the Greestone stairs looking back up towards where I took yesterdays shot from. In an ideal world I would have had a tripod and done a clever self portrait here, but I don't so didn't. I was dismayed to find vandalism on the arch, but I suppose people not respecting the past or the beauty they have in front of them is commonplace in this disgusting celebrity infatuated world we live in. Why respect anything when capitalism means everything is replaceable? Even a Roman Arch.

I'll give you an example. I drove through the delightfully quaint little village of Spridlington the other day, with its mix of cute cottages, farms and domineering 18 roomed new builds made to look 'authentic' but screaming 'rich capitalist bastard who passes brown envelopes to planners'.

I'm down on the world today. Not sure why really, just sick of people who seem convinced they have a right to have everything packaged up and delivered to their door. I fend for myself, what I can't afford I don't have. I live my life alone, I don't get out much as I'm skint all the time and I've not had a holiday since 2007. Do I expect the government to help me? Do I bollocks.
If I want more I graft more. That's how I was brought up, the only silver spoon I ever saw was on the front of a bag of sugar.

Recently I've been getting a bit 'Cornwall-sick'. I blame Curly Carrie who has been putting a few pictures up of the sorts of places I love. Sadly of course Cornwall has been slowly ruined by Surrey based second home owners killing off entire villages just so they can sit by the sea for two weeks in the summer and watch their children tear up the tranquil sea on jet skis while they eat swan burgers and drink the blood of genuine cornish people. Probably. My friends (I say friends, they hate me now for something they haven't specified, but I'm 100% sure I haven't slept with either of them) Graham and Bonnie lived in Liskaard (I know, but they're not as pikey as you'd think) but had to move up here as they couldn't afford a place there. How unfair is that? Still Quinten Quaffles the stockbroker has a seventeen bedroom ex fishermans cottage he resides in for three days every ten years so at least he's happy.

Sorry for ranting. I only do it for you.

I'll just leave you to a sample of lyrics from The Levellers (i'm not obsessed just ensuring I'm up to speed with the album by Sunday) which really sum up my thoughts of myself:

the years of gin,
Have broken him,
They've left him cold
Where he's fitted in
But it's too late now
To turn around, and find another way.

All the laughs in the late-night lock in,
Have faded away when he gets in,
The girl from fifteen years ago
has packed and gone away.

Little edit, I uploaded this only to find immediately after yesterdays was spotlighted. Great stuff :-)

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