Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Steep Hill

So I decided to conclude my little series on uphill Lincoln with a view looking up Steep Hill towards Castle Square. I fancied a bit of a street shot and think this captures the hill perfectly. This is the hill I have carried girls down on numerous occasions with a view to perhaps having a little cuddle at the bottom. Most times the best I get is a kick in the face by accident as she dismounts.

I once carried my ex girlfriend down here and slipped halfway down on ice. We ended up in a bruised heap with many passers by laughing at us. Great days. We broke up as we had different ideas about each other. I thought she was my butterfly, a her opinion differed..

Todays been full of stress which is unusual for me. Two weeks back I turned three hours worth of phone calls into a course for a young lad on probation. He'd been abusing smack and going out on the rob, but was looking to turn his life around. I managed to secure £1350 of funding as long as he came up with £100 which he agreed. He has just concluded his one week Streetworks course and left saying he was told it was free. Cheeky b*stard. I really pulled out the stops for him.

So whats the latest misfortune to befall me that you lot find amusing? Not really sure. We all know what the weekend holds, Levellers Sunday and The Imps at home tomorrow to Accrington Stanley (who are they?).

Ian Rush once said that if you don't drink your milk when you grow up you'll only be good enough to play for Accrington Stanley. Well as a kid I drank a lot of milk and now I doubt I could play for them That concludes my theory that Ian Rush was just a lying bugger like most other scousers!! (joke scousers). Mind you he did once say of his move to Italian side Juventus 'when I got there it was like being in a different country'.

Got an interview to do in a bit with the guy who puts together Macclesfield Towns matchday programme. Every so often someone contacts a 'high profile' Lincoln fan for comments etc and I tend to be wheeled out where ever possible. Being the Sky Sports correspondent kinda elevates your opinons. However the more I do, the more haters ithin the clubs fanbase seem to have a pop at me. I regaled you with tales of my spat with Neil Nobbs the other day, now an ex associate director named Michael Foley is having a go as well: he doesn't even know me. I shall retain my calm.

Or I'll fly to France (where he lives) and kick right off. I'd probably sneak into his driveway late at night and flick on the little light above the rear view mirror of his car. Then I'd wait a week or two, and hey presto: one flat battery. Oh he wouldn't know what hit him. I might also post him a shed load of letters without a stamp so he has to keep going to the Post Office to collect the mail. haha.

Do they have Post Offices in France? Le Post Office? Maybe.

We actually did that today, a customer caused a lot of trouble for us so I had to write a sarcastic letter explaining how our business was now concluded (not sure what made me suitable for the job) and then I posted it wihtout a stamp! Hahaha you may have cost us £3500, but we have cost you a walk and 25p. Have that.

Two spotlights in a row, you people are too kind to me y'know. Really. However if you want to be kinder I accept donations of money, beer, smokes or in extreme cases some fumbling in a dark corner of a seedy nightclub. oooh I also accept Cornish Pasties as of yesterday.

Have a great weekend blippersons. I will be mostly shitfaced.

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