
By covet


What a foggy Thursday! Was up at the crack of dawn today, dragging Andy along to my 7am outdoor kung fu class - brrrr! Amusingly, we were being photographed (I like to say "papped") by some delivery guys doing an early morning delivery to the tennis courts we were practising at. Now, I am very new to kung fu, but immensely enjoying it. Andy, who reckoned it might be a wax on/wax off Karate Kid style affair, was somewhat shocked to discover all the drills. The basics. And the form. This is going to take a lot of work!

Then straight into work, straight off to Dumfries for a site visit - I took the lead! This was intimidating and thrilling, in equal measures.... I now know much more about heating and cooling systems than I would ever have thought possible. Success - even though the car we were driving had a ridiculous button to press instead of a handbrake. A BUTTON. I think this is not how I like to drive!

A reward in Tesco - seeing my first Commemorative Royal Wedding item - though its certainly not the first I have heard of! Items such as these spark exciting debate in my circles, as a good friend of mine works for a publishing company who are releasing a Commemorative Bible. It's been voted the second best commemorative book of this particular event - hilarious! The first, in case anyone is wondering, is a Kate and William Dress Up Dolly Book. Brilliant.

A grey day, but a fun day.

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