
By covet

After the day is done

Long long day today- lots of things to think about- last night I wrote a to do list and it completely grew arms and legs. But it's good to get it all under control! And today I just laid into the list- bought straighteners (have needed some since i sold my old broken pair on eBay in December!!), booked a hair cut (needed one since about June), bought a sewing machine... Hurrah!

Also a productive day at work, getting back into some technical stuff I haven't done since uni, and had suspected I'd forgotten completely how to do it. But this is not the case. Hurrah to the power of two.

And life coaching after work- focusing on energy. I'd already figured that the TV, gorgeous and big and clever as it is, is not terribly good for me, and tonight i made the step of committing it to Energy Draining Items 101. So when I got home, I ready my book instead. Hurrah, again.

Loren popped over about 10.30 to drop off olive oil, and I stupidly made us some Yerba Tea. Id been raving on about how alert it makes you, so we were bouncing around the flat chatting about theories of conversing and various world crises until 11.45 when we decided enough was enough. Sleep.

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