The Memory Keepers Sister

By nadblips

Went out last night with my Uni friends for the first time in a while. Was going to have a sober night. That didn't last long. I would say that I generally drink less often than the average 20 year old student, but when I do, I drink too much, usually because drink prices are so cheap on student nights. I don't particularly enjoy drinking, yet I still found myself waking up this morning and not remembering getting home. I didn't do anything embarrassing, but the fact that I walked home alone was really dangerous, especially in this city, and it worried me that I was so vulnerable. I have decided to give up alcohol, not for lent, but for good. (I'm giving up Facebook for lent!) I've got a lot of 21sts this year so not sure how long I will last. People always give me funny looks when I say I'm not drinking on a night out and it's almost an unheard of thing in my friend circle. One of my friends tried to give up alcohol for the whole of February and he lasted 8 days. He did however prove to himself that he could have a great night out without getting drunk.
"How come if alcohol kills brain cells, it never kills the ones that make me want to drink?"

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