The Memory Keepers Sister

By nadblips

These are my 'interview' shoes and are the smartest shoes I have. The interview was awful. It was for a hospital summer placement. I turned up and waited for over an hour. My name was never called. I asked someone. Turns out they weren't expecting me because I hadn't replied to the email confirming my attendance. Rookie error. I don't remember that being in the email. In a career which is based on attention to detail, I think I'm going to fail. They kindly interviewed me anyway but it seemed pretty pointless seeing as I had had such a bad start. This is not the first time that I have cocked up like this. I really think I need to rethink my career path. But all I want to do is sleep, if only you could get paid to sleep!
"Failure doesn't mean you are a failure... it just means you haven't succeeded yet." -Robert Schuller

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