Furnace Lass

By furnacelass


Another dry day and not so cold either. No jacket , hat or gloves today , just awarm fleece.

After the usual walk along the river with Oscar I went on the bus to Crarae Gardens , another must visit place if you are ever in Mid Argyll . About 10 miles from Inveraray goegraphically but a million miles away in terms of scenery and plant life. The gardens have been there since the late 1800's owned by Sir Islay Campbell ,cousin of the Duke who owns Inveraray and the surrounding district. Apparently the nephew of the then duke was an avid collector of plants & trees and Crarae Glen is like a mini Himalayan mountain with many trees and plants form the Himalayas , China & Tibet. The rhodedendrons are beginning to flower and soon the magnolias will be ready.

They have a beautiful kind of snowdrop quite different from the usual ones we see . I was going to blip one of them but I was so taken by the dead hydrangeas which the gardeners were clearing today. The petals , usually a beautiful blue are now golden and brittle and almost skeletal yet quite ethereal , hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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