Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

'Go ahead (punk) make my day'...

The light from the Universal Source is divine today, and so welcome.

It should have been a fabulous blip day...
... But I did not rise with the lark this morning. Self-inflicted*.
Himself is away at a conference and, having discovered the joys of Skype, we availed ourselves until (for me at least) a very very silly hour.

When, today, I eventually managed to concentrate both eyes in approximately the same direction (which I'm not entirely convinced has happened even now) I popped outside.

This isn't the most focussed picture of my foray (a ladybird! How ironic!) but it was so good to see a few flies and spiders and bugs again. I know they must have been here, but I haven't seen much 'life' (apart from the many 'Homes for Gentle Ladybugs', which of course I support with some vigour).
This little welcome Blipee, with the cute hair, popped up from the hebe!

Happy Friday all!
*Merely over-indulgence of a technological nature.
But tonight? ... I don't know. Is it wrong to enjoy red wine alone?

P.S. Many thanks for my 'Spotlight' yesterday. Am very chuffed!

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