The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Busy Bees

This has been a day of much activity in the homestead. H's tonsillitis has sadly become skivyitis which is a much more serious condition whereby the child who has been ill all week starts to feel better but, realising what this means, has to invent a whole host of new imaginary symptoms in order to wangle one final day off school. She will be back on Monday...

Took the kids to the Hell Play Barn this afternoon, no, I don't know why either. At the reception desk the young girl asked me if all three were mine and when I said yes, started to laugh like a drain? Not knowing how best to react I simply joined in the laughing although mine disintegrated into great heaving sobs and then begging her to take them just for a wee while* I'm joking of course. I even treated myself to a (diet) IrnBru (fizzy juice is off limits on account of the tooth jockey and his need to holiday in ever more expensive international hotels at my expense).

So we are back home now and despite the offer of a DVD the kids wanted to colour in and stuff like that. I'm trying to sneakily watch the Jamie Oliver teacher thing on the laptop whilst they amuse themselves but there's quite a few sweary words in it so I'm having to cough every few minutes lest it warp their fragile little minds.

*do you think someone needs a mini-break? I do. Perhaps if I leave this page open my darling husband may see it and realise it's either this or a proper fully staged intervention.

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