The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

You can't be good at everything.

This was meant to be a lovely photo of the beautiful stained glass hanging in our living room windae. Except it turned out to be irrefutable proof that David Bailey I am not. I took the photo (twice, the first one was so blurry you had no hope of knowing what it was) and uploaded it. Thought I'd mess about a bit with it as the colours seemed a bit blurry...and this is what I managed to mangle.

I apologise.

I know that there are lots of wonderful photographers out there, my dear friend MeesterFeature even offered to help show me some funcy photography stuff I could do on my Mac, but I sincerely think I am a hopeless case. I photograph with the same level of focus that Callum has when peeing (recent washloads consisting mostly of small wet pants would indicate that his focus, and aim, are not all that hot either).

But I have decided not to sweat it. I am not going to get hung up on being the crappiest photographer in Blipland. This was going to be a blip about how much I am looking forward to going on a Stained Glass workshop later on in the year. You see what happens when you try and plan this stuff? In future I shall stick to taking random, non arty shots of the kids and toasters.

Enjoy Saturday night - we're catching up on Boardwalk Empire and the Tudors. Went to see Black Swan last night after hearing *very* mixed reviews of it. T'was okay (just in case those Oscars folks were thinking of changing their minds). I liked Portman's portrayal of someone going a bit doolally but could have done without the rag nails and frantic orchestral music.*

*Yes, I know, I'm waiting for the BBC to phone me up to replace Claudia Winklemann (sp?) too.

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