
By mandygf

"let her fly a little higher"...

my little girls has grown up & a German friend sent this saying to me on FB...... I just want to keep her a little girl for a little longer....

She had been asked to model for a hair competition by Stuart's cousin, N is coming to pick her up on Sunday morning (9am....) to cut & colour her hair & then on Monday she's getting picked up to get the photo shoot done. The theme is 20's & 30's & she has to wear the old fashioned stripey costumes for the photo shoot. But she is bouncing off the walls she is so excited! If they get through this part of the competition she will have to go to London for the final.....

other than that I'm so happy it's Friday... the week has flown by & been working my fingers to the bone.... now to do the same at home.... rest you say? what's that???

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