
By dsyglsy

sweetie day

friday is sweetie day and instead of me just buying them sweets the girls started getting pocket money today - just a small amount, but they can decide to spend it all on sweets or save some or whatever. all three of them spent the lot...

peggy has tonsillitis and is feeling a bit dodgy and tired, so there was no nursery for her today. she sat for about an hour this morning singing quietly along to daisy's ipod with heavy eyes and rosy cheeks - poor thing. I was busy crafting away beside her - so when she perked up after some medicine later, she used my buttons and measuring tape to make a wee person on the floor - I thought it was sooo lovely I had to blip it...and it's still there now.

another trip into a&e today to get daisy's broken arm checked - healing fine and we have exercises to do. I said I thought the doctor was handsome and daisy said he smelled of sausages.

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