Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB


I regularly visit a friend who has two cats, a grey one and a black one.

The grey one is fascinated with my coat, and if I put it on the floor with the collar slightly up, he'll zip into it and camp for a while. Then often he'll chase an imaginary critter into a sleeve, and barely squeeze out through the cuff, only to do the entire act again in a bit.

Today when I dropped by, I laid my coat down on the floor as usual, but this time the black cat boxed the grey cat's ears on the way by and scooted under the coat himself, immediately heading for a sleeve.

Unfortunately, the black cat has double paws (eight toes per foot), and while he could get his head out the cuff, his paws and chest just wouldn't quite fit.

So, there he was, trapped. The grey cat immediately came over and started licking him on the ears, and he could do nothing but lay there helpless with a terrible scowl on his face.

I took pity on him and lifted the sleeve up by the cuff so he could slide out backwards (ruffling his fur even worse in the process), but not before I took this picture.

And with the coat vacant and back on the floor, the grey cat zipped under, into and out of a sleeve, I think just to prove his superiority.

Would that it were that simple for me.


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