Gimme shelter

Well, we finished Maddy's project tonight. I mentioned it a wee while back, but she had a school project to build a model of an Anderson shelter. The kids were encouraged to get their parents to help out, so Maddy came up with the ideas, I helped her pick materials and do the measuring and cutting of the kappa board then she did the bulk of the painting, glueing and sticking. It's looking ok if I do say so myself. Of course it helps when you have a not for profit art materials shop at your work.

Speaking of school we had a meeting up at the school to prep the parents and the kids for the move to high school in the summer (that was fast). It was pretty much as expected, except the kids going up this summer will be geared up to get their Standard grades in MAths and English by th eend of third year meaning they will have two years to complete highers in these subjects if they wish to do them. Sounds like a fairly good idea to me.

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