Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

Heartbeats on the Avenue

Our neighborhood mural "The Heart of Baltimore Avenue" by David Gwynn (2008) shows more local history on its eastern side. This is West Philadelphia, in a section called Cedar Park.

At top-center you'll see a view of the very spot where I stood to take the shot, but with the old mural on either side. Below that with a long white outfit is a man who makes and plays traditional African instruments here; In blue with walking stick a respected local poet, LaMont Steptoe; With hat, holding tray is "Carrot Cake Man," who for over twenty years has walked along the avenue smiling and selling his terrific cakes. Also there's Benny the Barber with white hair, who cut our hair from 1957 till a few years ago on the other side of this wall.

Seated at the wicker table is the late Amare Solomon, owner of an Eritrean-Ethiopian restaurant, two doors to the East. He was a friend and neighbor to me and was often called "The Pope of Baltimore Avenue" for his very active community spirit. He immigrated to America with the shirt on his back and little else, but he left a huge footprint on the 'hood before he passed on. One evening he got home late, and he asked me if I had eaten. I had, but he asked me to sit with him at his dinner, even just to take one bite. In his culture, one cannot eat alone and would rather go hungry than do so.

Standing behind Amare is the late Betty Rastelli, who established Marigold Dinners in the 1930s, two doors from my place, with a simple menu and a clientele of ordinary workers. I remember her well and the restaurant is still going under its third owner.

At lower right there is an elderly couple with whom I used to chat on a daily basis, growing sweet potatoes in our community garden about twenty yards from the painting, around twenty years ago. They grew only the one crop and were always smiling!

I blipped a detail of the other side of this mural on February 28th, and I'll figure out how to make links very soon.

I love this mural.

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