
By Fi


Cabin Fever had set in and so I decided to wrap up and go exploring. I ploughed my way up the snow-covered pavements, we're talking several inches deep maybe even a foot, up a hill in the vague direction of some life. It certainly got the blood pumping - it was bitterly cold but quite satisfying! I did walk on the road, which was easier but got splashed by passing cars and 4x4s! Glad I bought some winter boots when I was home last week - they weren't made or intended as snow-boots but that's what they've become! It was that or going out in my diving boots but they're not as stylish!

Anyway - I eventually found a bank as I needed a cashpoint. Everything was closed by the way, it was the King's Birthday yesterday so today is a public holday (tagged onto the weekend). It was a bit of a ghost-town but there were a few men out scraping snow and clearing paths. They hadn't got as far as the steps down to the ATM though. Can you see where this is going? Uh-huh....arse over tit, Nikon in hand. Wet bum, dented pride but who said chivalry was dead? The one in the 'dee jay' jacket came over and helped me descend the other steps and waited for me to come out before helping me back up. (Money and card was firmly away by this point). Camera in one piece and works fine because they then asked if I'd take their photo. I could hardly refuse, plus it was Blip-fodder! I'm now safely back in my room and the boots are hanging out of the window to dry!

Edit: The public hol in celebration of the King's B'day was cancelled at the last minute because productivity has been low and it would have caused too much financial loss. However it was then declared again due to the bad weather! Imagine that in the UK!

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