All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The milkmaid

Ethan is still going through the pains of teething. It has been dragging out for what seems like weeks now with no signs of any new teeth popping through . (He hasn't had any new ones since November). Last night I dosed him up with baby nurofen before bedtime and not only did he go to bed without a fuss but he slept for the magic 12 hours (unlike the night before when we had tantrums for over an hour and then he only slept 8.5 hours)!

Today seemed a bit like Groundhog Day. Hubbie was working overtime and Granny, Grandpa, Ethan & I went back in to Edinburgh to visit Foreveryoung and Baby Foreveryoung in hospital. This time though hubbie finished work in time to pay them a quick visit too and he really seemed to enjoy his cuddles with Baby Foreveryoung. Although Foreveryoung still isn't feeling too great she has a bit more colour in her cheeks and had a bit more "attitude" about her which was good to see!

Back at home, Ethan didn't seem too keen on eating much today. However, I'd made some AK carrot and pineapple muffins and funnily enough he did manage to wolf down 2 of those!

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