Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

What a difference a day makes...

I got hit with a flu or something yesterday which knocked me for a loop for about 24 hours. Total headache, body aches and the total revulsion for life that comes when we are not feeling well sometimes. Embarrassing as I was on my way to the doctor when it hit, and had to call and say "I'm too sick to come to the doctor." (?)

So, today, I decided that if I was able to nothing else, I would at least go see what was going on at the swamp.

My need to exercise is apparent, especially the older I get, but I resist a little sometimes. (Ok a lot)

I was rewarded for my efforts, as I got to see a lovely family of deer and also a pair of nesting sandhill cranes.

This handsome creature is one I'd not seen before. Apparently this is a Limpkin which at one time was almost hunted to extinction.

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