Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes


I haven't done a Self Portrait for a while, so here it is. I love photographing refections and I kind of pre-planned this one today as I knew that I would be seeing this big huge wheel today. I have taken many shots of these wheels but this one is my favorite.

Today. Today was a busy/relaxing one. The kids were at their cousins house still from their sleep over and my husband had to leave early for work, so that left me with a couple of hours to myself this morning. I decided to go the early service at our church. I really do like it there and it is surprising me how much I have been looking forward to it during the week. I've finally found a place that is comfortable and inspiring. And oh how I do love the music. The band I should say.

I went to pick up the kids afterwards and they were still buzzing around with so much energy. My daughter had painted twenty pictures by that point and legos had been played since 6:30am in the morning. And, everything went well. My brother and sister in-law were so happy with the entire experience. I can't wait until we can do this at our house. It is so fun knowing that all four of the kids are ready for little 'sleep overs' together now. I know I used to love spending the night at my friend's houses. Our cousins lived far away and we always loved Christmas even more just for that reason, sleep-overs with our cousins.

We got home and a couple of texts back and forth later, we were back in the car to meet one of my best girlfriends and her little boys for lunch. What a nice treat that was. Getting to spend a Sunday afternoon together. Nice. Nice. And nice. And then we stopped by to see Daddy and ended up kicking the soccer ball around for about an hour. Needless to say, the kids were beyond exhausted this evening. The melt down by our son because he didn't want to eat his noodles was a pretty good indication that we've all had a pretty busy weekend. We started a new chapter book tonight about dinosaurs. One of my nephew's favorites that he let us borrow. I remember my Mom reading my sister and I chapter books every single night. Sometimes my Dad too. And I loved that time of the evening. And our son does too. Our daughter likes book time but she likes to read a book while she is listening to us read a book. She will settle into reading soon enough.

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