The Levellers

Phone camera, packed audience, balcony tickets. Here's the result.

Let me tell you about the gig briefly. I had three meals in three hours (fried breakfast, sunday lunch an hour later and some food in the pub an hour after that) followed by what can only be described as an insubordinate amount of alcoholic beverage. At 1.30am this morning I can gleefully confirm I was inebriated in the extreme. Met my ideal girl as well, all curly hair and hippy vibe going on with gorgeous eyes and even a cheeky little nose piercing. Then I met her Porsche driving 'ya ya I work from home' boyfriend.

Jager bomb.

That made the pain go away. Although I'm not convinced I knew what pain was when a round consists of Jagerbomb with a vodka and red bull chaser.

My head hurts and I have to get some work done.

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