
Yeah I know y'all getting bored of seeing the same thing from different angles. I've had Castle Square looking towards the Castle, Steep Hill looking up and now this looking down towards the top of Steep Hill from Bailgate. Thrilling stuff. I have made this look a little duller than the day actuallu is, not really sure why.

Well I am: it's because I feel like I've had the life slapped out of me by a vicious pack of hooded assailants. Last night my workmate Jamie and I managed to make a rather large hole in best part of £200..... okay thats a lie. It was £120 of mine and £130 of his. All on food, tickets a repugnant 'rounds' of Vodka Red Bull (for me), Vodka Lemonade (Jamie) and Jagerbombs (1 a piece). I clearly recall purchasing eight such rounds and believe Jamie was matching every one. Ran out of cash about midnight but it was all good as our new found friends Angela and Chris bought a few drinks.

Angela was the girl I mentioned on last nights blip, lovely girl. She was really pretty and just fit the bill perfectly :-) Chris was her fella and despite the apparent animosity I displayed on the blip earlier we got on quite well. He had similar interests to me, we both liked The Levellers, getting mashed and his missus. In fact we actually swapped numbers at the end of the night.... if you can't get the girl then why not become a mate of her boyfriends? Haha I wouldn't even consider going for a taken girl.

Work has been tough today, I won't lie. Felt sick all day, my head has been spinning and my bank balance has been screaming something about 'responsibility' to me. My response? f*** off. Haha, have that bank balance, you've been well and truly told.

I ate three meals in three hours yesterday, feel chuffed with that. Had a fried breakfast prior to rushing to my old mans for a Sunday roast with him, Mo (his missus) and Paul & Isaac. Bliss. Then it was off to jamies who informed me he needed to eat, so Gammon Egg and Chips slipped down the hatch no later than 4. Not one little bit of it reappeared later in the evening either. How grown up am I?

Gig was ace, The Levellers kicked arse. The highlight of the night for me though was Wonderstuff playing 'Size of a Cow', it was just awesome. We blagged balcony tickets which meant a great view and easy access to the quiet bar. While 2000 other paying punters (including Thorntons Digita hahaha :-P) struggled to negotiate their way through a sea of people, we looked on like kings. LIKE KINGS I TELL YOU!!!!

There was one awkward moment - I escorted the delightful Angela (Not Thorntons, the curly haired girl of the Porsche driver) to the toilets and for a cigarette. As we made our way through the crowd she grabbed my hand so we didn't get lost (or because she fancied me. Probably the first one) and we wove our way through the people, sneakily holding hands. Only Chris was on the balcony wasn't he. He could see us clear as day. It was innocent but with hindsight perhaps I should have explained myself.

Oh my god I just thought, what if they were them sex people, you know who get strangers round and that. I'm not up for that at all, I prefer my loving to be a two player game. I'm definitely not having a swordfight.

Yeah so that was that. The rest of the weekend was alright. Football was garbage but we got a point, television was garbage but I watched it anyway and the bad smell in my kitchen was garbage so I emptied the bin. Sorted.

I think thats about all I have to tell you. I've been crap at commenting recently for which I apologise. I do look at everyones blips, I will comment tomorrow.

Oh according to my statistics I mention 'Hate' 595% more than the average blip user. Hmmm, for someone who prides himself on being a pacifist, lover, gentleman and most importantly a people person it seems I harbour some quite deep seeded views. I don't direct my hate in any one direction though like a knuckle dragging racist.

I will leave you with one thought. If my hate is expressed so much and so expressively imagine how much of a loved up soft arseI am when I meet a nice girl. I'm so soppy in those rare times that I make myself sick. In fact y'know what: I've just been a bit sick in my mouth thinking of it, and it tastes of Gammon and Red Bull.

(NB I haven't really)

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