Tom's View

By tomsview

Death Valley

We found out that the small frontier town we stayed at last night was where "tremors" was filmed. Best. Fillum. Ever. I was most pleased to learn that I was sharing views that the great Kevin B had once looked at.

We had a long drive today and broke the journey with a stop at death valley. The drive into the valley is truly amazing. The road starts at an elevation of 4000 feet on the valley edge and ends at an elevation of -282 at Badwater.

The salt and minerals that have been washed down from the mountains above crystallise as the water evaporates in the heat, leaving a strange white crust on the surface.

It is an absolutely breath taking place, and it is easy to loose a sense of scale when you are at the bottom looking back up, forgetting that some of the peaks around you go up to 11,000 feet straight from the valley floor!

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