
By nicky

Time to take stock

OK. Let's take stock of what we've learnt so far.

1. Maurice (he's rapidly becoming of the household so he needs a name - should I put him on the census as a visitor?) likes peanuts.
2. Maurice likes bread (you were right, Jan).
3. Maurice doesn't much care for chocolate.
4. The trap I bought is not very effective.

This morning I woke up to find that the trap had moved in the cupboard, the bread was still in there but had been pulled towards the door of the trap, and the bloddy door of the trap was closed! This is getting ridiculous! I think I may have to invest in another trap. Or sit up all night to put the door down myself. Actually, I thought I heard a noise as I was going to bed last night so maybe I need to go and check next time. Trouble is, if I find Maurice in the trap at midnight, I dont' particularly want to go out at that time to release him in the middle of nowhere - that is an adventure I could do without.

Oh well, porridge is probably burning so I'll go and eat that. Better luck tonight.

[picture unrelated to anything except my early morning walk to blow the cobwebs away]

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