
By PicturePoems


Kingcups, kingcups:
Pond in the springcups
Make me want to singcups
Gold and silver ringcups

Kingcups, kingcups,
Brothers of the buttercups
Clear the winter cluttercups
In the dusk: shuttercups

Kingcups, kingcups
Nature's lovely blingcups
Lots of lovely kingcups . . .
But no queensaucers.

poem © Celia Warren 2011

(more commonly totally yellow, like big buttercups, and also called Marsh Marigolds)

Apologies if I haven't commented on many blips lately. I am due to go into hospital for an operation, a fortnight tomorrow, and am madly trying to get organised beforehand, finish urgent writing commissions, help my elderly mother prepare to go into care for the duration of my recovery, clean and tidy everywhere, etc. Have a list as long as both arms, but I will browse, and hope to comment, when I have odd moments. Thanks for looking at my journal. Sadly, it means I probably won't make the 365 unbroken record - though might try and back-blip. Depends how shattered I am. I have been warned it'll be quite debilitating for some time. :-( Still, spring is taking hold, so that's good! :-)

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