More camp...

than a row of tents.
The things we do for our students and for charity.
Silly costumes.
Filming a video, with good directorial control from our students.
Listening to a little too much protestation from one who we knew full well REALLY WANTED TO DRESS UP LIKE A COWBOY.
Freezing our knees off.
Not batting an eyelid at the range of disbelieving looks from students who had stayed in school after the day had finished.
Proof once again that our staff are fabulous and fun and are willing to throw themselves into things even if it does make us look like a bunch of divvies!

Now, I am looking forward to seeing the final edit, as we have only been party to the section of filming that we have been directly involved in. Could be fun.

Other than that, utterly knackered. Things are not right so I think it's back to the quacks for me sometime next week, when I can fit it in, to ask some questions.

Quick questions:
1. Why is question 17 on the census left "intentionally blank" - pointless
2. Why do people park so close to other cars that the driver cannot access their car via the driver's door. Pass me a tin opener please! There is nothing dignified in the manner in which I had to access my car at lunchtime - through the passenger door and climbing over the central console. Not easy when I was wearing a dress and I was trying not to be noticed by 50+ students in the school yard!!!

Thats it - pizza slices with Jimbo and snuggles on the sofa. I could well be asleep by the time Corin gets back from the climbing wall.

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