It's too late for sex

So it'll just have to be alcohol instead.

To clarify - I have a choice between Sex education or Alcohol/Drug related education.

I got home at 8pm after a stupid day which involved no breakfast or lunch, 2 biscuits, not enough cups of tea, not enough time to go to the toilet, a bit too much shouting, feeling like the walls were closing in on me rather too often, spinning rooms, being 'played', being rude to people (unintentionally) and generally feeling crap crap super crap.

So, after cooking a bacon butty (and therefore combining breakfast with lunch and tea) I did not feel like getting my head around the 'ins and outs' (so to speak) of planning for a sex education lesson for a mixed group of 11 year olds. I'm too fragile to even brace myself for that lesson - so that can be after easter.

Alcohol and drugs for the next few Friday mornings then - scare the bejeezus out of the little buggers.


Now, where's that wine?

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