Temple Tours

By wakakajennie

marking my way

Today was not a happy day in work and I cannot help but feel that there is worse to come. Yesterday marked the start of a 90 day period of consultation regarding proposed redundancies. I met with colleagues this morning to discover that the area in which I work is not being nearly as badly hit as other areas. This didn't make me feel any better knowing that a large number of my co-workers are facing redundancy.

For most of the day I have swung between feeling numb, angry, sad and ultimately utterly helpless.

However, the anxiety in the pit of my stomach has been momentarily quelled on discovering Rudy's post-it bombing. I am in awe and amazement every day, as I watch his burgeoning imagination, growing knowledge and excitement with the world. I need to make sure that there is something left for these two of mine but I would be lying if I said that I have no worry about their future.

So, what to do? Back to the drawing board (awful pun) Sorry for pessimistic posting and I feel I should end on a positive note. Or at lease a post-it note. Boom boom.

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