Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

A stitch in time...

It occured to me the other week that I have many items of sewing equipment. These items however do not have a home, they are dotted around in various craft boxes and as a result I now appear to own 8 spools of white thread. So I decided that as it was my birthday coming up I would treat myself to a lovely sewing box with some of my birthday money. In sorting all the items to their new home, I found some embroidery that I started many years ago when I first had to give up uni because of my health.

My friend H was visiting on Saturday and as she sat working on her own cross stich piece I decided to restart mine. There we sat (me in my reclining chair) sewing away like little old ladies, whilst dance music played on the radio. Knitting has become cool with the younger generation so I believe too that one day needlework will be cool as well (though a lot harder to do on the bus!)

Maybe when it's finished you'll get to see the whole thing.

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