Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Hold on to your hat...

... It was a windy one today. But there was some lovely blue sky both the first time I went out (having forgotten the camera! Thought the bag was a bit light. Doh!) and the second!
So. Guess who's had a nice long walk today!

I've been resisting the idea of a 'proper' camera bag. My reasoning (!) was that it draws attention, and might give the impression that I'm more experienced than I actually am. (Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you!)
However, I shall be a Birthday Person in a couple of weeks and I'm beginning to think that I might be ready to retire the somewhat eccentric shopping bag.

The weekend is starting this evening as Himself has some flexi-time to take tomorrow...
... Now need to convince him that days off are for fun, not jobs!
We'll see!

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