Every Little Step

By moonfairy

I'm Scared!!!

Well for all those kitty lovers, Neo did it again, he got into my lunch bag.

He looks slightly traumatised here as my husband very nearlysat on him a few minutes beforehand. Neo had sneaked up onto his computer chair and was asleep, luckily his sixth sense came into being, and he shot off the chair just as my husband was about to sit down. Lucky, lucky Neo otherwise he would have been flattened.

This follows me nearly standing on him two days ago, when he went to sleep at the base of my chair. I always sit with my feet up on the chair, so I put my feet down, feel something furry and luckily didn't actually stand on him. But I reckon he has used up quite a number of his 9 lives.

On a sadder note, I am currently watching live coverage of the terrible earthquake in Japan, with the knowledge that one of my workmates and his girlfriend are on holiday there. I really hope they are safe.

Apparently, there is a tsunami warning for Australia, but our own authorities don't think it will affect us.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Japan.

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