Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Neo the Destructor.

Well, I'm not sure if Neo was getting his own back after nearly being sat on but last night he went on a bit of a breaking spree.

I had two vases of artificial flowers but had to move them to the top of the fridge as both Neo and Sophia (but nostly Neo) kept chewing them. Anyway, James (husband) and I were watching TV, when there was a loud bang. I went into the kitchen, one black kitten on top of fridge, one vase plus flowers on the floor. Strangely enough the vase only had a chip out of it.

"Oh No! What have you done Neo?"

He stepped towards me, and BANG he knocked the 2nd vase on the floor, and this one smashed to smithereens.

They're only things, but I have had them for many years, and they were rather nice vases. Never mind, the look on Neo's face was priceless. His eyes got bigger and bigger. "What have I done?"

He sat on the fridge whilst we did the clean up, which took awhile as the pieces were everywhere. So after sweeping and vacuuming up the bits, Neo came down.

Then, when I arrived home after work today,

"Neo's broken something again.'


"Your green candle holder."

"Oh, is that all."

So, this is all that remains of my green candle holder, the actual holder that went inside the glass.

(He also knocked over another vase of flowers but this one didn't break).

He is the naughtiest cat in the world, but I'll forgive him anything.

{Pictures coming out of Japan continue to look like a disaster movie. Can't believe we are seeing yet another terrible event unfold before our eyes. More suffering for many, many people.

Thankfully, my workmate is safe.)

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