Loney Girl

By loneygirl

J - Japan

This cast iron Japanese bell used to hang by the door jamb of our old house. We have had it since I was wee high. Each time the storm winds blew, it would chime like crazy and reverberate throughout the whole house that at times I would stuff it will crumpled paper just to silence it. It was a gift to my dad by a Japanese friend. During a move to a new house, the clapper somehow got lost and my mum decided to use it as a paper weight instead. It is now in my possession and I intend to find a new part for it so I could hang it somewhere in my house now.

The 8.9 earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan this afternoon is a disaster of massive proportions. Watching the giant waves roll inland on live television made me realize how helpless we all are when nature takes over. My prayers are for all those affected.

Day 10 of alphabet blip.

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