Loney Girl

By loneygirl

K - Kaimito

Growing up in the city, my mum would usually send us off to my lola's (grandmother) in the province for a couple of weeks each summer to run and detox our bodies with fresh country air and learn to eat food that was pure and simple. It was through our lola that I had my first taste of frog legs, freshly baked pan de sal with fresh carabao's milk flavoured with a smidgen of instant coffee and kuhol, better known as snails or escargot.

Our playground would be vast open fields with an assortment of trees laden with fruit just waiting for us to climb up to and pick. The Kaimito is a fleshy sweet tropical fruit that is usually in season during the second quarter of the year. Also known here as the star apple. There is no other fruit that I can compare it's taste and texture with. I can only say that it is so sweetly delicious and each scoop brings back all those memories when life was less complicated.

Large is good.

Day 11 of alphabet blip.

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