frame by frame

By Patroclus

Faded glories

I was still in Bournemouth this morning and had booked a later train knowing I would at least want a walk along the beach, and indedd I had a lovely walk along the pier, and the truly golden sands. The beach hut were crying out to be blipped but this funicular railway caught my eye. Something very decadent about it, and yes, a real faded glamour. Much of the town has faded glamour but actually I was very impressed with the town and immediately wanted to move there. The railways seemed to have a hint of folly and eccentricity about it, though I was rather shocked at how much they charged to ride it - a pound i think for it's hundred feet - or maybe more. Mind you if you were unable to walk the alternative zig zag path up the steep cliff this must be a pound well spent. But it wasn't functioning today - weekends only at this time of year.

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