
By lyseelys

Weird = Fun

Man..I love this photo is I do say so my self... ;) hehe...
(I'm not being immodest or anything! Really!)
I just think it's SO much better being weird. You just enjoy life so much more from doing so. None of this majority crap; the minority is the one for me!

Netball trails were on today, and other than at one point of my guarding my own team mate I think it went well....there's still tomorrow's trials as well so I've still got a chance...heh

T'was Mike's (mother's fiancée) birthday today. So had heaps of people round for dinner...right now? My bed is looking mighty fine at the moment..

Uni starts on Monday; although things are going to be made much more interesting considering we're going to be having our lectures in large tents because none of the major buildings are open..mmm...I'll keep you posted on how that goes

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