Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Happy as...?

Happy as... A cross-eyed pig?

There were three of them, and they all looked happy. (I'm not going to think about how they might end up).
This one was begging for a caption, and though I could think of one or two, the only thing that stuck in my mind when I looked at it, was the song:
'I was born under a wanderin' star'...
... I know. I worry myself sometimes.

We delivered our visitor safely back to her Mum. I'm afraid the only thing which is likely to stick in her mind is that I purchased a posh frozen pud from the supermarket. Thought it was 16 little posh choc ices. Served same. Then read instructions on packet to cook for 10 minutes before enjoying gooey little brownies. No serious dental harm done! But two lessons here:
a) make the pudding yourself (it's so rare that I don't. Honest.)
and b) never but NEVER go shopping again without the reading glasses.

We've worked hard in the garden today. Left-overs and wine. Bring it on.

And as the news unfolds from yet another quake area, words fail.

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