party of 5

By partyof5

Paper Mill

This is a paper mill that closed in town. It first opened as a saw mill in 1832 and has been in operation of some sort untill last week. Atlhough it is sad to see many people lose their jobs, it is also the biggest contributor of pollution in the city. It is also the biggest eye sore. Today we stopped so I could take a photo. I wonder how long the building will sit there. Will it get torn down or will some other company buy it and start up business again? I am not overly happy with the photo I captured, I wish I could have gotten a bit closer. I do however like the rust and green tones on the building. It kind of goes well with the brown water.

In other news, Lil' Miss L. decided that she really likes rice cereal and devoured it this evening. The boys got to go to Target today and spend some of their allowance. Mr. S. bought a new game and Mr. W. bought a build your own Hot Wheels set. Big day for the kids!

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